Thursday, April 5, 2012

Invisible Man, 409-461

First, a bit of backtracking: 

The Cast-Iron Figure
- Sam pointed out that this figure is a bank full of coins. Why does it upset the IM so much? Why does he break it -- turning it into a "broken image" (332)? Why does he take it? Why is everyone so suspicious of his attempt to get rid of it? 319-332

The First Brotherhood Speech
- What is the IM talking about? Why do the people respond so favorably? Why does the Brotherhood resent his speech?

- Another question raised in Tuesday's presentation: Is Ras crazy or wrong? (370-376) Is Clifton swayed by his arguments?

Mixed Agendas
How does the IM describe his time in the Brotherhood? Look particularly at his description of his success on 380-81. 

The Mysterious Note
Who do you think wrote the note that the IM receives on 383? How does the message affect him?

Brother Tarp
- What role does Brother Tarp assume in the IM's life? Consider his gift of the picture of Douglass on 378 (also 381) as well as the chain link (386-90)
- What might be the significance of his appearance on 384? (Also see 389-90). 
- Why is Wrestrum so upset by the link? (392-93) What does it lead him to say to the IM? What does it lead him to do?

The Woman Question 
- How do the women react to the IM? See 409-10, 420 and chapter 19 in general.
- What does it mean to be a "salvationist"? Is the woman he goes home with really interested in learning more about the party's politics? (410-15), especially the definition on 410, her reflection on 412 that "Life is so terribly empty and disorganized" without an ideology to stick to, etc. 
- Do you think the situation with the woman is a trap or test (as the IM fears)? 415-420.
- What's the deal with the woman's husband? Why doesn't he react to seeing her in bed with the IM? Does he really not see him? (417-18)

Tod Clifton's "disappearance" and/or funeral
- Do you think that Tod disappeared of his own will or do you think that the party discouraged or threatened him? See 421-22, 
- Why is Tod selling those Sambo dolls? (431-35)
- What happens with the cop? (435-38)
- What is the significance of the doll's construction -- the way that it dances (446)?
- Why can't the IM sing like the old man with the knife welt on his throat? Why is he incapable of "arousing" the song? (452-3)
- What do you think of the IM's speech? What is he trying to say? Doeshe have anything to say?

What happens in Harlem when the IM is downtown with the women
- Why do the men at the bar get so threatening when the IM returns to Harlem? (423-27)
- Is the situation in Harlem a result of the IM leaving? Is it something else? Why was he sent out of the district? 

The Invisible Man's experience in the subway
- What does the IM think about being outside of history? Is it desirable or undesirable to be outside? (439-44)
- By extension, what opportunities does the Brotherhood seem to offer African Americans? (439)
- Why does the IM follow the " their well-pressed, too-hot-for-summer suits" (440-442)? 
- How does he begin to see Harlem in a new way? What does he realize about the area and about himself? (443-4)

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