Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Tuskegee's Past -- Invisible Man's Nostalgia

1 comment:

  1. By looking at the pictures it gives me a sense of the first black college. From different from what I’m experiencing. It still looks like at that point in time the students still had to work. It also reveals that the Tuskegee institute was preparing it s students not only for higher learning, but also for the real world. They had sewing class, cooking classes; they had a blacksmith shop, and more. It seems more like a trade school if anything. I mean yes they had history class and looked at dinosaur bones, but everything else looks like they’re learning a trade. The big differences from back then to know is that their degrees there probably gave them a big leap into getting a good job making decent money. Now a day, that’s not the case. These pictures are very interesting and gives me a insightful of how their institution was ran.
